
Chandra Kishor
  • 2022

        Git Utilities and hacks

      Although GIT is an old topic, still i am adding a collection of basic and useful git utilities and hacks that is helpful in day-to-day git cli interaction. Reference to…

        Setup Solr with Moodle for search inside files content

      Following is the step by step guide to setup Solr with Moodle for search inside files content. This will need setting up of SOLR, setting up php-solr extension and solr…

        Monitoring Apache Logs using Zabbix

      Apart from monitoring server hardware and software key variable like CPU/Memory/Disk/Process, We also require monitoring of apache logs using Zabbix to monitor all from a single monitoring platform Monitoring Apache…

        Monitoring LAMP Application using Zabbix

      A complete guide for monitoring LAMP [Linux/Apache/Mysql/PHP] application through Zabbix and setting up email notifications. In the following section, I am going to use the following stack, 1- for Zabbix…

        Pagespeed module for webservers for performance improvement by Google

      Pagespeed module for webservers for performance improvement are available for various platform, which provides a caching layer at webserver level to improve the overall delivery of the request. About Pagespeed…

        Running Shell script using SSM and API Gateway AWS

      aws_run_command Table Of ContentsObjective :AWS ServicesList of required servicesRUN Command Lambda IAM Role required to run Lambda and SNSAPI GATEWAY Objective : We are required to run a shell script…

  • 2021

        Monitoring MySql and Optimization

      Next part in monitoring and optimization of LAMP stack is, Monitoring MySql and optimization. Monitoring MySql[Graphical][Command line]Tuning / Optimization MySql as serverAll about Slow Query and Slow Query Logs.How to…

        Monitoring PHP and Performance Tuning

      Monitoring PHP running as FPMHow to get the status ?How to enable slow logs ?OptimizationOptimizing php-fpm configurationCaching Compiled Byte Code The next part of the series is, Monitoring PHP and…

        Monitoring Apache Webserver and optimization

      Although Most web servers share common challenges, we are considering that apache is utilized for the webserver. Monitoring ApacheServer StatusServer Info Server LogsOptimizationMemory utilizationConnection ConfigurationDirectives and their meaning Time Out…

        Complete Guide to Debug LOAD Issue in LAMP Stack [Linux/Apache/Mysql/PHP]

      Debug LOAD Issue in LAMP StackProblem Statement LAMP Stack ComponentHardwareSoftwareRoot Cause Analysis [RCA]Flow Of AnalysisMonitor Hardware ComponentServer resources are NOT enough Server resources are enough Monitor Software Component Problem Statement…

        Bitbucket API Integration during Pull Request Build to validate the changelogs and coding standard

      This implements the Bitbucket API integration in pr (Pull Request) to validate changed files. It only fetches the change file and validates it against a list of the file maintained…

        AWS Architecture Diagrams

      Moodle horizontal scalable architecture for AWS Moodle horizontal scalable architecture Regional, HA, Horizontal Scalable web app architecture for AWS Regional, HA, Horizontal Scalable web app architecture

        AWS cheatsheet

      GeneralFile Storage vs Object Storage vs Block StorageAWS Cloudformation vs OpsWorks vs Beanstalk99% vs 99.9% vs 99.99%Disaster Recovery vs High AvailabilityCommon Source of Interruption General An immutable environment is a…

        AWS Services for web hosting

      As AWS provides multiple services, those can be utilized to host the websites or web-app. following are the best-fit use-case with respect to services. Website Hosting at AWSUsing LightsailUsing AmplifyUsing…

        AI/ML in Next Generation E-learning Solutions

      As the Next Gen E-learning solutions will cover some or all objectives to bring effective utilization of e-learning solutions using AI/ML, some of them are already present in some solutions.…

        Continious Deployment Using Bitbucket and AWS code Deploy

      Continuous deployment [CD] can be achieved using following simple steps if you are using bitbucket for code and aws for hosting. Table Of ContentsPre-requisitebitbucket pipeline YAMLWhat it will doAWS code…

        Setting Up Moodle with AWS cloudfront CDN

      Moodle is hosted on AWS cloud and the following AWS services are being used for this solution ALB and ec2 are being utilized for ComputeRDS for databaseEFS for moodledataRedis for…

        Setting up Airnotifier Push notification in Customized Moodle Mobile App

      Considering that, we are building the mobile app from moodle mobile app codebase. In order to use the push notification feature using airnotifer, following steps are required. Airnotifier Installation And…

        Looping / Recurring in Apache Mod Rewritting Rule

      Mod rewrite , much useful module in apache httpd web server. Although, we utilize it for rewriting the url , redirection, I just want to point out about a special…

  • 2020

        AWS services for Moodle

      Single Machine Based ImplementationHorizontal Scalable Based ImplementationApplication-level Service for UtilizationEnhancement Service Moodle, no doubt, is the best open-source LMS in the world. It has tons of features. This is written…