
- There are two types of instance BM [Bare metal / physical machine], VM[Virtual Machine]
- There are two template type
- Fixed Shape [BM/VM] : Can not be resized
- Flexible Shape [VM only] : Can be resized cpu and memory
- Shape Types
- Standard Shapes : Designed for general purpose workloads and suitable for a wide range of applications and use cases. Standard shapes provide a balance of cores, memory, and network resources. Standard shapes are available with Intel or AMD processors.
- Dense I/O Shapes : Designed for large databases, big data workloads, and applications that require high-performance local storage. DenseIO shapes include locally-attached NVMe-based SSDs.
- GPU Shapes : Designed for hardware-accelerated workloads. GPU shapes include Intel CPUs and NVIDIA graphics processors.
- HPC Shapes : Designed for high-performance computing workloads that require high frequency processor cores and cluster networking for massively parallel HPC workloads.
- Optimized shapes
- Capacity Type
- On-demand capacity
- Preemptible capacity
- Reserved capacity
- Dedicated capacity
- You can launch console connections that can be connected from your local machine or cloud itself.
- Compute agent provides cpu/memory/io/read/write/network/load metric, which is genrally installed in available images
- Default os can also show OS management and top process
- Cloud-init script can be setup for executing at provison time
- Stop and start does not change the IP [epeheraml ip], however, terminating instance will free that.
- Custom Image from computing will only include boot volume, region-specific. Maximum size is 300 GB. Instance will shut down for a few minutes while creating images.
- Custom Images can be exported to OS and can be imported
- You can move instances in different fault domains but SAME AD
- Console connection
- Not booting/need to reset ssh key for the OPC user [default user in oracle linux], edit system configuration
- Serial console connection / vnc console connection
- Need private/public key pair
- Stop / start [can choose boot option and can edit boot file]/ reboot logs will display
- These addresses are used for iSCSI connections to the boot and block volumes, instance metadata, and other services.
OS Management Service
- To apply patches at operating system provided by OS provider
- Support oracle Linux and windows
- Yum is mirrored among regions so that patch download does not incur a regional transfer charge
- Need to create Dynamic group policy for IAM, allow instances to use OSMS
- Install osms-agent service if not installed already
- Create Instance group, add instance, and apply the patches on-demand or schedule
Instance Configuration
- A pre-configuration to launch the instance includes details such as the base image, shape, and metadata.
Instance Pool
- Instance pools let you create and manage multiple compute instances within the same region as a group
- After you have created an instance pool, you can update the size of the pool, add and remove existing instances from the pool, and attach or detach load balancers
- You can automatically adjust the number of instances in an instance pool based on performance metrics or a schedule
- When you delete an instance pool, all of its resources are permanently deleted, including associated instances, attached boot volumes, and block volumes
- You can use the same instance configuration for multiple instance pools. However, an instance pool can have only one instance configuration associated with it.
ASG [Auto Scaling]:
- 1-to-1 mapping for ASG and Instnace Pool
- Scaling is done on the basis of
- Metric based
- Cpu utilization
- Memory utilization
- Schedule based: cron expression
- Scale pool size
- Change in instance state[start or stop]
- Metric based
- In Event of Scale-In, instances are terminated first based on how many instances from the instance pool are in that availability domain and fault domain. Within a placement, the oldest instances are terminated first.

Load Balancer
- Application Loadbalancer / Network Loadbalancer
- Network-based load balancer works on TCP/UDP/ICMP
- App-Based load Balancer works on Application Layer [Http/Https]
- Load Balancer Public [Comes with Public IP] and Private [With private Ip]
- Task: service discovery, health check, Algorithm
- Flexible Shape or Dynamic Shape
- Layer 4 or Layer 7 LB
- You can attach NSG, by default not enabled
- LB can be attached to only one subnet
- You can enable WAF at LB
- Listener : [Same AWS target group]
- Weighted round-robin [Round robin with weighted distribution]
- Ip Hash [Bound Ip to make a request to the same server]
- Least request [Redirect Request to the server which has the least number of conenction]
- Up to 16 Listener, 4-state health checks, updated every 3 minute
- There can be downtime in change shape as the existing connection will be drained
- Health Check status
- OK
- Route based on Virtual Hostname or path-based routing
OCI Traffic Management and Health Checks
- A global Service, generally used in DR/HA to perform Request regional Request Routing
Traffic Management
- Policy
- Load Balancer [weighted based load balancing]
- Failover
- Geolocation Steering
- ASN Steering
- IP Prefix Steering
Health check
- Health Check is available for any public ip available [LB, Compute etc]
- Check the target from different Vantage points
- HTTP based health check or ping type monitors
- Performance monitoring from response time
- Failover detection
- Hybrid Monitoring