What are the top 10 Hadoop Use Case?
Hadoop use cases:- Risk Modeling Customer Churn Analysis Recommendation Engine Ad Targeting Point-of-Sale Transaction Analysis Analyzing Network Data to Predict Failure Threat Analysis Trade Surveillance Search Quality Data Sandbox Below…
September 25, 2017
What are the problems with existing RDBMS
The main problems with existing RDMS are-Have fix schema : RDBMSs are more suitable for structured data, such as weblog, sensor and financial data. You loose lots of important info…
September 25, 2017
Big Data Reality
Information that can’t be processed or analyzed using traditional tools or processes.Growth of Unstructured information Unstructured information is growing 15x faster than structured infoCheck out the Microsoft project My Life…
September 20, 2017
Moodle: Course File List Local Plugin
This plugin will provide a interface to display and download all files by enrolled users, those are attached in a course. This is local plugin, it means this plugin needs…
February 17, 2017
Some Good Resource For PHP and Software Architect
I have few books in my list that I wanted to share with you . these are some good books for PHP perspective and Software Architecture. Modernizing Legacy Applications in…
January 13, 2017
PHP Good Practice
1) Do not use relative path in code, as it would not work with Command Line require_once ‘../../config.php’; replace it by require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).’/config.php’; 2) Constant would create a problem in…
January 13, 2017
Memory Consumption In PHP5.6 vs PHP7
When I was doing a benchmark, I found that PHP 7 was using more memory than PHP 5.6.So, I did a test. I ran a script containing only: $a=10; and…
January 9, 2017
Dealing with Fractional Seconds (Miliseconds) In Mysql
As, i was going through a situtaion where i need to convert long unix timestamp to a format in which milisecond is also included there i found, till Mysql 5.6…
June 15, 2016
Moodle : Course FileList Plugin
This plugin will provide a interface to display and download all files by enrolled users, those are attached in a course User will have a link in Navigation Menufrom there,…
May 8, 2016
ECM: Ease Change Log Manager
ECM is a changelog manager and deployment checklist solution It has some great fetaure Multiple UserThree Different RolesAssignment Based AccessMultiple ProjectsMultiple ServersMaintaing Release Version With IssuesCustomize Deployment ChecklistExport Changelog In…
October 1, 2014
HTML5 Local Storage Library
Supported in HTML5, to store data locally in browser by key value pair. you will need jquery for this. You can use this library to store data in local storage…
September 1, 2013